The kids got their wish, SNOW FOR CHRISTMAS!!! Sequim is not known for getting lots of snow, especially in town where we are, but this year we got almost two whole weeks with snow on the ground, including Christmas. Our kids were thrilled. They played out in the snow everyday throwing snowballs for the cats to chase and throwing at daddy.
They LOVED that they got two extra days off of school due to the snow. (Don't tell them they have to make those up later, I'm not telling!) The locals were getting a bit tired of the snow but we were still enjoying it, until, we realized that we may not get to move into our new house because of it. Due to the ice on the roads we wouldn't be able to move the trailer up the hill to our new house. We had been scheduled to move into our new rental house the weekend after Christmas but the snow was still there, and even

But, true to RVGypsy timing, the sun came out just in time to melt all the ice and we were able to move the trailer to unpack. We spent our second Christmas in the trailer and had New Years in our new home. We found a great rental house that has never been a rental before. The house is a yellow one story ranch style home about 1800 sq. ft. At first it felt HUGE to us. After being in less than 400 sq. ft. for a year and a half this house seemed like a mansion. We are now getting used to it and it seems just right to us. It has a nice size grass front and back yard with a creek running along the side. Out my front windows we have a beautiful view of Mt. Baker, the San Juan Islands and on clear days we can see Canada!! I love to sit in our breakfast room to watch the huge cargo ships going to Seattle drift by. The cats LOVE the home because it has lots of windows with deep sills for the cats to lounge on and watch the birds. The cats have both been "fixed" and are much calmer now, very few escapes since we moved in.
After about a week of us being in the house Robert flew to Chino Hills and supervised the moving company load EVERYTHING we own that was in storage and scattered at friends and families homes. Within a short time the moving truck was at our door unloading all the belongings we had not seen for almost a year and a half. It was quite surreal to say the least. We are taking it slow, one box at a time. Except for the kids toys. Now that Robby is reading he is able to single out the boxes marked KIDS or TOYS and open them at a very fast rate. Yes, our home is once again overloaded with toys and they are having a blast. 

There are three other kids on our block, a boy in sixth grade at the middle school and two sisters who we have become fast friends with. Robby and Sawyer right away loved playing with them and they ride their bikes to our house (and vice versa) and come to play whenever they can. Their mom, Penny, and I have become fast friends as well and walk and talk most every day after dropping the kids at the bus. Our street is almost exactly half a mile long so we know how many miles we are walking every day. It usually depends on how much we have to talk about. Penny and her girls have made Eunice St. seem like home very quickly for us.

The boys are back in school and used to their new buses. Sawyer goes a few days to an after school program at Cuddles and Crayons so I can get some of my work done and doctors apts, etc. He's not loving it but the social time for him is good. He tends to need a little more practice in that area compared to his big brother. The rest of the days he is home with me and we play games, legos, trains, Lincoln logs and whatever else is on his agenda for that day.
Robby has been very busy with Cub Scouts this winter doing fundraisers, food and blanket collection for the Humane Society and the fun Pinewood Derby race that they do each year. He came in second for his Den. He's made some very good friends in Cub Scouts and loves to work on anything having to do with the Den with daddy.
Robert is still in the learning curve for his new sales job at Home Depot. He is now the only rep on the Olympic Peninsula and they have added more stores plus two more products to his line. He is now selling roofing, windows, gutters, siding and insulation too. He's learning a lot and hopes to be on track by the time spring comes around and everyone realizes they can't wait any longer to get their home improved. The economy has hit our area as well but we still work at focusing on manifesting our dreams even in the situation many of us are in.
Unfortunately keeping up with the website and our blogs have suffered as it has not been the highest priority what with unpacking, doctors apt, eye doctor, dentist, vet, new school schedules etc. But, we did want to give you a glimpse of our new home so you can see where we have landed. Thanks for following along with us. We will do our best to keep you updated along the way of us settling in to our new home.
I have taken up reading again in my few moments alone while the kids are at school. I recently read all four books by Stephanie Meyers about a vampire family living in Forks, WA. I read the first one because it is based HERE on the Olympic Peninsula about a hour from us in the rain forest. I got so addicted to the books that I ended up reading all four within a short period of time. Sequim is actually mentioned in the fourth book. If you like to read, I highly recommend them. Start with her first one, Twilight, and see if you think they are for you. They were great winter reading, I couldn't put them down.
And so, despite the vampires who live so close to us, we love Sequim and all it has to offer. Many people ask us how the winter has been and in my opinion it has been much more mild than I expected. The locals say it's been quite a cold winter so I guess I'll be fine with it either way. It's been very clear and actually very little rain at all. I'd be ok with more rain but don't tell the residents I said that.
so good to hear how you are settling in! I am SOOO happy for you and your Gypsy Boys! One day I may have to throw my boys in the car and just travel on up for a visit :o)
OK - Girl, Twilight Addiction! YES!!! I, too, got completely addicted and fell in love with Edward! I read all four books in a two week period and saw the movie in the theatre - can't wait for the dvd later this month!
I love seeing what you are all up to. Life in Ashland continues to be amazing and I ever changing. I am currently embracing the good the bad and the ugly and trying to get back into Yoga and daily meditation. Showing property to wonderful people who find this valley. Life is life, but it is good!
All my wishes of the best blessings of life being sent your way!
Namaste Mama!
Hi Joss!
I absolutely love the pictures. Sequim really looks like a beautiful city. I hope we can come visit someday. Thanks for keeping touch.
Hi Joss,
Great to read your update. Your new home looks wonderful. I love the color. Yellow is one of my favorites for rooms and houses- very cheerful. It sounds like Robby and Sawyer are quickly sinking their roots into that fertile Olympic Peninsula soil. What a beautiful place for all of you to grow!
Joy to all,
Jan (aka Dr. Lake)
Hi Cousins! What a beautiful home with the most amazing view. We are so happy for you. Keep the wonderful updates and pictures coming.
Love, Cousins Amy & Alexis
Hi RVGypsie family, I'm a complete stranger from Chicago and have been dreaming of moving to Sequim for years... so I feel like I know you guys already! WOW, you guys actually pulled off the trip with kids and cats! crazy! Something I've been day dreaming about but your blog shared so much of what I've been feeling! So, how are you liking the summer? What's the weather really really like? Please share more! We'll be visiting (2nd time) this August and hope to move this winter (Lord willing). =D Sincerely, Sue M.
Had my hubby check out your site too.. we love it!
oops, didn't leave a way to reach me.. (kinda new at this) ~Suji (Sue) Martens 708-386-9000
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