Half-Pint on Robby's bed



Charlotte on mommy's lap

Humm, what smells so good in here?
Lots of folks have asked how the kittens are getting along "on the road"? They are doing great! They have taken to sleeping on Robby's bed (his is the top bunk) and playing every night, starting at 8:30pm (the kid's bedtime!). They sleep most of the day and I think they play all night. Baylee is still agitated by them and can't help but try to nuzzle them to get them to "do something". This is because the kittens have decided THEY run the house and "the dog" is just an annoyance to be ignored. They move quickly and Baylee gets excited about the activity. The kittens are very tolerant of her intrusions and when they've had enough, they give her a few good swipes with the claws and a hiss thrown in for good measure.The kittens have brought much energy, silliness and laughter to our Gypsy home. Joss and I can't believe we've gone so long without cats. We both love cats and the boys have wanted cats for years. At our old home, the coyotes kept eating the neighborhood cats. After we lost our last three in 2000, we said we wouldn't get any more until we moved. Well we've been moving!
The kittens are up each morning BRIGHT and EARLY! The other day, Joss said "they're getting us all ready for when we settle down and have to be up for school." I guess she's right, Robby has certainly been getting up earlier (Sawyer has ALWAYS got up early).
Well that's how they've been doing in the family for the past few weeks. Now on to the close call the other night...
It was 9:30pm when Charlotte was on our bed playing and chewing on one of our foam ear plugs (ear plugs are an RVing necessity if you're going to be in an urban RV park, in case you didn't know). I was watching her happily chewing on the bright orange earplug when, GULP, down it went. At least most of it went down, she had chewed part of it off. She wasn't phased in the least about it and went on playing. Joss was very concerned and said "get on the Internet and look that up. What do we need to do?"
I googled "kitten swallowed foam ear plug" and found a few stories but nothing helpful. Then I noticed one of those Google Ads on the right side of the screen. It said something like "Experts online are waiting to answer your questions" so I clicked on it. The website is JustAnswer.com and you can post your question in the appropriate category. They have experts all over the world online to answer the question. You can deposit funds (refundable) into your account with them and then choose how much to pay the experts for the answer (if you are satisfied with it).
We got a hold of a Registered Veterinary Technician in Walnut Grove, CA at 10pm and she answered all of our questions about what to do. She said we had to make her throw up or it could get stuck in her intestines later on and force emergency surgery ($$). I'd read online that other's had noticed their cats feeling ill and had X-rays taken, then surgery. Athena (the RVT) told us to give her a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and wait 10-15 minutes. If she didn't throw up, do it again. We did it twice and it didn't work, but we could tell Charlotte was NOT feeling well NOW. We emailed Athena again and she said to try it one more time. This time it worked thank God! Charlotte threw up TWO pieces of earplugs and we hadn't seen her eat the first one!
The next day, Charlotte was not feeling her usual, perky self but she's completely back to normal now. That website, at 10 pm, saved us a trip to the kitty emergency room in a strange city! It was worth every penny we paid. They have a lot of different experts online, check it out, you never know when you might need some help.
Other folks have asked "where do you keep the litter box in the trailer?" The boys made a deal with us. If we got kittens, they would keep the litter box in their room and clean it at least twice a day. The food and water is also in their room, up high where Baylee can't reach it. So far, it's working out great.
After the boys go to bed, the kittens come alive and race around the trailer trying to kick each other's butts! After they have that out of their systems, they curl up on our bed and WE get some cuddle time with them!
We love our little kitties!!!
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