Written by Mama Gypsy

We came to DeSmet for me because I'm a huge Laura Ingalls Wilder fan and I've always wanted to see some of her homes and museums to learn more about her and for the kids to learn. So, because Robert is such a good husband and tries very hard to make me happy he agreed to go
not only to DeSmet, SD but also all the way (backtracking a bit) to Walnut Grove, MN as well. However, sometimes you go one place for one person and it really turns out to be for another person. Well, that's what happened in this case. We were really meant to be here for Robert.
We arrived Monday evening excited to partake in all that the Ingalls Homestead had to offer. We had no idea what we were in for. We found out we could camp right there on the Homestead land, about a mile from town. We jumped at this opportunity to "live" on the same land that the

Ingalls Family lived on 128 years ago. That first night we found out what a treat this was going to be. Diane in the gift shop told us we could have the run of the place and to make ourselves feel at home. We did. We were the only campers there for most of the week so we were literally the
only people on the land at night. That first night we climbed their lookout tower to watch the sunset with not another soul around for miles. The sunset was beautiful and the peace and quiet even more wonderful. A great start to an amazing week.

As usual we had planned to stay only three to four days, but we almost always end up staying longer. This time was no exception. The first day we roamed around the Homestead. It is 160 acres, the exact 160 acres that Pa Ingalls Homesteaded. They have a dugout home built into a hill like the Ingalls lived in on Plum Creek; a claim shanty like most people lived in once they got here; a house like the one Pa built on the site; a hay roof barn like Pa built; a barn and an old garage with all sorts of crafts to do in it. They let us walk around and do as much as we wanted to and we could do everything as many times as we wanted to.
They have a covered wagon ride that takes you out to an old one room school house that is an exact model of the one Laura taught in.

They have a school teacher there waiting to give you a lesson, a fun lesson. The kids dress up in old fashioned bonnets and dresses or cowboy hats for the boys. We did that about four times! Back in the garage you can learn how to make a corn cob doll just like Laura had in "Little House in the Big Woods." Sawyer kept making them and making them until he'd made seven or eight. They told him to make as many as he wanted and he did. He kept asking to go back to make more each day. They teach you how to make your own rope and boys like rope!

All three of them made about 10 ropes. We learned how they ground wheat in a coffee mill during "The Long Winter" and the kids got to actually do it. In the little house that Pa built they let the kids wash laundry with real lye soap that they make here on the Homestead. The owners' daughter,

Ann, taught the kids how to spin wool on a spinning wheel as well as l

et the boys help her pull up vegetables in the garden and even take them home for dinner. Sawyer actually ate tomatoes from the garden that night and he hates tomatoes. As you can see there is a lot to do here and we did it all, over and over and over again.
Throughout the first couple of days Robert got to talking to the people who work at the homestead and found out it is family owned and run and had been for 12 years since they'd bought the land. Robert made friends with the owner's father, Grandpa Bob, who was helping out for the summer since they were a bit short handed. Robert started helping him with chores: shoveling out the stalls, watering the horses and cows, etc. Then he started learning some of the other activities like the rope, the corn cob dolls and even the little pony cart that Grandpa Bob took the kids for rides in. By the fourth day Robert was helping so much, pretty much all day, that I went to the gift shop and bought him a shirt so he'd look like the other workers. He st

arted going out at 9am to help them bring in the cows and the horses from their farm next door and he'd help them take them back at the end of the day. He was able to help out pretty much where ever they asked him to and he was happy to do it. I think after a year and a half of not working a job it probably felt good to be working hard again. Robert loves to help out where ever is needed and I think he felt needed too. He also loves learning anything new and he learned a lot about hitching up the horses, feeding and watering them and much more. So after almost a week being here and working on the farm we joke that Robert has a new job. Also after a week of working on a farm from 9am to 7pm he was dog tired and ready for a rest.

We left DeSmet traveling for the first time as a
Gypsy Family of SEVEN! We have added to our clan. The mama cat at the Homestead had kittens just the right age to be going out on their own and the family offered to let us take some of the kittens. Since we had promised the kids cats when we got settled somewhere we couldn't pass up the early opportunity to have some authentic Laura Ingalls Wilder Homestead cats, now could we?
We didn't. We now have two new additions to our family,
Charlotte, named after Laura's first rag doll and
Half-Pint, Laura's nick name by Pa.

Once we decided that we'd take the cats we started bringing them to the trailer a little each day to get them used to it and to get Baylee used to their smell. Our last night the kittens stayed the night in Robby's bed. It will be a whole new adventure to see how these kittens adapt from a farm life to a gypsy life and how we all adapt to having cats again. It is exciting to us since we love cats and have not had any for more than eight years. Already we can tell they are a happy addition to our growing family. They make us laugh with their antics and that is a very nice thing. We are grateful for all of Gods gifts and we feel these little souls are two of them.

We'd like to say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the Sullivan family and all employees of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Homestead. You truly made us feel like family and we had one of the most amazing times while on this adventure of ours around the country. You are truly a gift to all the families who come through your farm. Keep up the great work!!