by Momma Gypsy
We've had beautiful fall weather so far in Sequim and we love it here. We've had a few rainy days but mostly blue sky and clear crisp days. The array of autumn colors are starting to fall to the ground to make way for winter and we hope for some snow.
It's been a challenging transition so far but we are all healthy and doing well so we know this too shall pass. We realize moving is a huge change on it's own but we have been moving for 15 months and now all of a sudden we are on school schedules, work schedules and bus schedules. It's been a lot for the seven of us to adjust to.
We have actually made quite a few wonderful new friends here already and are grateful to have had two invitations for Thanksgiving. (Thanks Karla and Pat!) We are excited for what our future holds now that we are in our home of choice.
Robby is blossoming in the second grade at school and doing really well in math and catching up in reading. Tonight he proudly read two pages of Hardy Boys to us. He's doing great. He's also making friends and had four new friends at a bowling party for his 8th Birthday. He's joined Cub Scouts and is very excited about it.

Sawyer is having a harder time adjusting to being in school half days, daddy being gone a lot at work and big brother being gone at school all day. He misses his family that used to be together 24/7 and so do we. He has been getting some special "mommy time" before Robby gets home and he really likes that.

Robert is adjusting to being in sales again. He's learning all new products, selling roofing, gutters and insulation for The Home Depot. He is one of only two sales reps for The Home Depot in the Olympic Peninsula and his boss has already added another store for him in Poulsbo, about an hour away.
It means more driving but also more sales. He's also volunteered to be the Assistant Den Leader for Robby's Cub Scout pack. They look great in their uniforms!

Robert is adjusting to being in sales again.

I'm adjusting to being a full time stay at home mom again. Being on multiple schedules
(you all know I'm NOT a clock person!), working to keep it all together and running here at home. We've been looking for homes to rent in the kid's school district and have some promising options.
The kittens and Baylee have made great friends and keep me hopping all day long with their antics. Charlotte is in heat and has taken to escaping from the trailer at least five times a day. The day the doctor will fix her (when she's six months old, I'm counting the days), she'll be in there for her appointment. Sorry Charlotte, no more room at the Inn. We are all full up!!
We are very happy with our choice and love it here in beautiful Sequim. We've only seen it in the Winter time and we love it. We can't image what it looks like in Spring and Summer! Guess you'll just have to wait along with us! :)
We are very happy with our choice and love it here in beautiful Sequim. We've only seen it in the Winter time and we love it. We can't image what it looks like in Spring and Summer! Guess you'll just have to wait along with us! :)