Well we have made it to our new home, Sequim Washington! After a whirlwind two week trip to Southern California (we'll write a separate blog about that trip soon), we picked up our trailer yesterday from the repair facility and moved back into it. It was so good to be back in our spacious home after being in the rental trailer. We were treated so well by the rental company that we'd highly recommend them if you're ever in the Portland Oregon area and needing a motorhome or trailer. Give Veronica a call at RV Northwest, they really understood how hard it was for us to be without our home and the uncertainty of when we'd get it back from the repairs.
Joss had to run an errand this morning on her way to Sequim and Robby went with her and the kittens. She took I-5 to Olympia, then headed off on Highway 101 towards Sequim. The pictures above are from her leg of the journey. Sawyer and I took the truck and trailer straight up I-5 to Tacoma, WA. Then we headed Northwest, eventually joining up with Joss and Robby where the 104 meets the 101. We caravaned into Sequim this evening and after setting up the trailer, headed to our favorite Mexican food restaurant just a couple blocks away.
It's good to put down the leveling jacks on the trailer and know that we are staying put for a while. How long you ask? We don't know what the future will bring but we're renting space 26 on a month to month basis at Gilgal Oasis RV Park for now. We'll start looking around at houses, barns, vacant land, boat slips, you name it! Just kidding about the boat slips though.
Next week I start my new job with a division of The Home Depot. The boys start school and Joss starts investigating our new hometown and looking at properties.
When we told some friends down south that I was going to work at/for The Home Depot, we got a few raised eyebrows. I won't exactly be stocking the shelves (not that there's anything wrong with that of course) but to be honest...it's so beautiful here...I'd pump gas here before going back to So Cal. :)