Monday, December 31, 2007


We actually saw single digits on the truck's thermometer today while driving over the Blue Mountains summit (4,250 feet roughly). Six degrees showed outside, eeeee haaaaa! Prior to the single digits, when it was still in the low 20's, Robert tried to wash the windshield on the truck with the wiper blades. On the third pass of the blades, the water froze up and practically blinded us! Okay, write that down, when it's well under freezing, don't try to the washers! Hummm, maybe we should add some antifreeze to the water?

We left Portland OR today and traveled about 322 miles out I-84 to the high desert of Eastern Oregon. The picture above was from the lookout on I-84 just east of Pendleton Oregon.

We're staying the night at a truck stop/gas station in Baker City, where it's a balmy 15 degrees tonight..can't wait for that early morning-take-the-dog-out-to-go-potty walk!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Almost took out 3 otters today

Well, we're ensconced in a very nice RV Park in Sequim, Washington called Gilgal Oasis RV Park.  The folks we've met so far are very nice. Lots of retired folks here and about that seem to miss their grandchildren.  Robby and Sawyer are getting lots of attention. 
Today we drove into Port Townsend, about 30 miles away roughly.  We did some Christmas decoration shopping at Swain's.  Afterwards, Robert brought the truck around the back of the store to the front door to pick up the family.  Behind the store was a single lane drive, a curb, large rocks and the ocean (Sound, Bay, whatever they call it).  As he passed the garbage cans, something darted in front of him.  He hit the brakes and saw three huge otters scrambling over each other for their dear lives, inches in front of our one ton truck's tires! 

We also spotted several deer walking the residential streets of Port Townsend.   

Saturday, December 1, 2007

We've started a blog...and it's snowing!

While in the Burnaby Cariboo RV Park in Burnaby (Vancouver) Canada, we met a traveling family, the Orsers.  We've so enjoyed our few days together and have a debt of gratitude to them for all of their insights and advice.  One of which, was to convince us that we need to set up a blog.  We've been behind in updating our website with the pictures and journals for about a month now.  The blog will be an easy way for Robert or Joss to post pictures and jot down witty missives (hey we can hope ehh?).  

So here goes our first entry...

We awoke this morning to the most beautiful white (as if it comes in any other color) blanket of snow!  We experienced snow on Mt. Shasta two months ago but we've yet to have snow on our trailer.  Well no more, we've de-virginized the Titanium in Canada (is that legal?).   Sawyer was SO excited he ran in to wake up big brother and then, while Robert was taking Baylee for her morning business, he woke up mom (he's much braver than Robert when it comes to waking mom, that's for sure!)  {Picture soon...soon as we figure out how to add it}

It snowed on and off most of the day, probably 3-4 inches total.  It is a beautiful fluffy, dry snow so it didn't seem that cold.  Our trusty thermometer said 28°F this morning.  

Robert and Sawyer took our dually to the grocery store and did some fishtailing as they left the RV park (it MIGHT have had something to do with Robert's heavy right foot)!  After the grocery store, they ventured to Costco.  The parking lot was packed and visions of huge lines danced in Robert's head.  But it was Costco after all so they headed in.  All the packaging is in English and French (Canadian law) so it makes it harder to read the printing then it is in the states, simply because they have to cram twice as much of it on the same size package!  

Back at the RV Park, Yvonne (the Orser's beautiful 5 y/o girl) invited our boys over to their trailer to play.  Robert and Sawyer were up from nap first so they went over.  (We later learned that Sawyer DIDN'T actually take a nap but Dad didn't know that at the time!)  Joss and Robby soon followed and the adults enjoyed several hours of conversation about trips past and present!  It's so nice to have other parents to talk about these things with, thank you Jim and Leslie!